Broderick Crawford died from condition 'anyone' can have (2024)

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Born on December 9, 1911, Broderick Crawford lived through two World Wars, but he is best remembered for his award-winning films.

By Chanel Georgina, Senior Reporter

Broderick Crawford died from condition 'anyone' can have (2)

What killed Broderick Crawford? (Image: Getty)

As a young man from Philadelphia, US, Broderick Crawford garnered the attention of directors when performing on stage. In the theatre, he played the simple-minded giant Lenny in the Broadway adaptation of John Steinbeck's novella Of Mice And Men. Having a stint in the military during World War II, Broderick released Larceny, Inc in 1942, while the war was still ongoing.

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One of his most famous roles was as Willie Stark in All the King's Men (1949), which awarded him an Oscar.

Other classics he was known for were Born Yesterday (1950) and The Mob (1951).

In 1955, the actor played the part of Chief Dan Mathews on the TV series Highway Patrol.

Continuing to work in the limelight past retirement age, Broderick drew his final breath on April 26, in 1986.

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Broderick Crawford died from condition 'anyone' can have (5)

Broderick Crawford died from a stroke (Image: Getty)

The legendary performer passed away following a series of life-threatening strokes at the age of 74.

Broderick's third wife, Mary Alice, was at the hospital when he died, alongside his sons Kelley and Christopher, and their mother, Kay Crawford.


The Stroke Association warned: "Anyone can have a stroke." However, there are factors that contribute to a person's risk for the life-threatening condition.

Some factors can not be changed, such as older age, but there are other factors that can be modified.


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    One of the main risk factors for a stroke is high blood pressure, the charity says.

    High blood pressure can be caused by an unhealthy lifestyle, such as smoking, drinking too much alcohol, being overweight, and having a bad diet.

    All these components damage blood vessels and increase blood pressure, and the blood is more likely to clot.

    "It's never too late to make a change," the charity assures, encouraging everybody to begin leading a healthier lifestyle.

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    Broderick Crawford died from condition 'anyone' can have (7)

    Broderick Crawford won an Oscar for his work (Image: Getty)


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    Symptoms of a stroke, as pointed out by the NHS:

    • Face – the face may have dropped on one side, the person may not be able to smile, or their mouth or eye may have drooped.
    • Arms – the person may not be able to lift both arms and keep them there because of weakness or numbness in one arm.
    • Speech – their speech may be slurred or garbled, or the person may not be able to talk at all despite appearing to be awake; they may also have problems understanding what you're saying to them.
    • Time – it's time to dial 999 immediately if you notice any of these signs or symptoms.

    There are other possible signs of a stroke, such as:

    • Complete paralysis of one side of the body
    • Sudden loss or blurring of vision
    • Being or feeling sick
    • Dizziness
    • Confusion
    • Difficulty understanding what others are saying
    • Problems with balance and co-ordination
    • Difficulty swallowing (dysphagia)
    • A sudden and very severe headache resulting in a blinding pain unlike anything experienced before
    • Loss of consciousness.

    Broderick had warnings about his health, as he had overcome previous strokes.

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    The likelihood of having a stroke increases if you have already had one.

    If this is something you have already experienced, it's in your best interest to keep on top of your health.

    For more support, you can contact your healthcare team at your local doctor's office.

    Broderick Crawford starred in All The King's Men, which is showcasing on Film4+1 at 2pm on Wednesday, February 8.

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    Broderick Crawford died from condition 'anyone' can have (2024)


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